Production OEE with IoT

Presently, Internet of Thing (IoT) growing very fast in worldwide. IoT is a technology which connects physical world with digital world. With a help of electronics, software, sensors and connectivity protocols.

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the standard KPI that tells production efficiency and machine effectiveness. It is derived from production metrics like availability, performance over the time and quality.
Manufacturing operations dealing with many technologies. IoT (Internet of Things) is one of the technology used to collect shop floor data and visualize the manufacturing information. Now a days, IoT play an important role in optimizing the OEE in a production shop floor.

OEE – Real Time Calculation
IoT connects the heterogeneous systems and machines simpler way. If machines are connected with PLC or SCADA or DCS kind of systems it will be advantages to IoT data collection.  After data collected from various systems and that was aggregated to bring real time OEE of the machines which is present in manufacturing lines.


OEE = Availability (A) * Performance (P) * Quality (Q)
  • Availability (A)
          Availability is calculated as the ratio of Run Time to Planned Production Time.
                     Availability = Run Time / Planned Production Time

         Planned Production Time - Total time that machine is expected to production.
         Run Time - The machine or Manufacturing process scheduled for production.
         It is calculated by subtracting down time from planned  production time.
                     Run Time =  Planned Production Time - Stop Time 
  • Performance (P)
          Performance is how efficiently the production is happening with a machine. If the performance score is  100%, the machine was running as fast as possible.
                     Performance = (Ideal Cycle Time * Total Part Count) / Run Time
  • Quality (Q)
                     Quality = Good Part Count / Total Part Count
OEE Score
OEE calculated in terms of percentage value. If this value is 100 % then the manufacturing lines available as planned for production, machines are performed as their capacity with quality products.

OEE Monitoring – Benefits
The main goal of OEE is identify and reduce the potential TPM losses which is originated as availability, performance and quality loss. Also, enables following advantages,
  • Enable production visibility
  • Performance indicator
  • Real-time target Vs actual parts and quality
  • Maximise workforce productivity
  • Visualise performance easily 
  • Achieve ROI on equipment


  1. Thanks for an updated information. Keep sharing! IoT is the ever-growing network of physical objects that feature Internet connectivity. Have a deep look into it to know what the actually is, how it works and what the risks are as well as its benefits.

  2. Your post is really good providing good information.. I liked it and enjoyed reading it. Keep sharing such important postsVisit production-planning!


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